Friday, July 15, 2011

Y! Fighting hard

I have been using Yahoo email Id since I have stepped out of in 2001. I continued using YAHOO till I fall in love with Gmail. Actually I had an affinity towards Y! since my college days. I used to try most of the new initiatives by Y!. I have used their social networking products such as 360, delicious, Buzz etc., nothing took off. Later, I got bored with their number of failures. The last think that I tried from yahoo is YahooMeme!(that too is a failure). They used to revamp their Y! Mail so frequently, I remember using three or four Yahoo Beta UIs. Recently I have received an email from Yahoo appreciating my 10 years of yahoo usage and requesting me to use the *newest* Yahoo mail. I wonder why Y! is fighting hard to find the winning mantra all these years, they have been the market leaders for so many years. Even in search world, they used to be an early bird. Even Google has so may failure products like Wave, Orkut, Answers etc., but they are active and kicking some of them are taking off. As of today Im actively using Y! Answers, Flickr. I don't want to miss you my good old friend Y!, bounce back like Apple.

Dear SubashSubbiah,

Thank you for being a Yahoo! Mail user for the past 10 year(s). We look forward to bringing you an even faster, safer, easier-to-use Yahoo! Mail very soon.

In the coming months, we will ask you to upgrade to the newest version of Yahoo! Mail for your account All Yahoo! Mail customers will be asked to upgrade. But in the meantime, you don't have to wait, you can have the newest Yahoo! Mail today.

Upgrade Now

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